AS153 |
CTNOSC-ASN-153 - Headquarters, USAISC, US |
United States |
1280 |
16842752 |
AS293 |
United States |
135680 |
4295163904 |
AS575 |
DNIC-AS-00575 - Headquarters, USAISC, US |
United States |
0 |
917504 |
AS2018 |
TENET-1 - TENET (The UNINET Project), ZA |
South Africa |
1305600 |
4296015872 |
AS2153 |
CENIC-2153 - CENIC, US |
United States |
3840 |
16842752 |
AS6360 |
UNIVHAWAII - University of Hawaii, US |
United States |
255232 |
4294967296 |
AS6509 |
Canada |
768 |
4294967296 |
AS7575 |
AARNET-AS-AP - Australian Academic and Research Network, AU |
Australia |
1221632 |
25769934848 |
AS9885 |
NKN-INTERNET-GW - National Knowledge Network, IN |
India |
1280 |
0 |
AS17579 |
Republic of Korea |
6668 |
0 |
AS20965 |
GEANT - GEANT Vereniging, NL |
Netherlands |
9216 |
8589934592 |
AS22388 |
TRANSPAC - Indiana University, US |
United States |
256 |
65536 |
AS23864 |
SINGAREN-GIX-IHPC-AS-AP - Singapre Advance Research and Education Network - National Grid Office - IHPC, SG |
Singapore |
256 |
65536 |
AS23911 |
CNGI-BJIX-AS-AP - China Next Generation Internet Beijing IX, CN |
China |
512 |
4295032832 |
AS27750 |
CooperaciĆ³n Latino Americana de Redes Avanzadas, UY |
Uruguay |
2048 |
4294967296 |
AS36944 |
UBUNTU-UNICAST-AS - Ubuntunet Alliance For Research and Education Networking, MW |
Malawi |
2048 |
65536 |
AS38022 |
REANNZ-NZ-AP - Research and Education Advanced Network New Zealand, NZ |
New Zealand |
13824 |
8589934592 |
AS137207 |
JUCC-AS-AP - Joint Universities Computer Centre Limited, HK |
Hong Kong |
1024 |
4294967296 |