The list below shows how many ASNs are assigned to each country. Click on the country links to see more details about the specific ASNs and IP addresses that belong to each country.
ASN | Name | IPv4 Num IPs | IPv6 Num IPs(/64) |
AS6713 | IAM-AS - Office National des Postes et Telecommunications ONPT (Maroc Telecom) / IAM, MA | 7,623,680 | 4,294,967,296 |
AS30983 | MARWAN-AS - CNRST (Centre National pour la Recherche Scientifique et Technique), MA | 17,920 | 4,295,032,832 |
AS36884 | MAROCCONNECT - Wana Corporate, MA | 1,392,640 | 4,294,967,296 |
AS36903 | MT-MPLS - Office National des Postes et Telecommunications ONPT (Maroc Telecom) / IAM, MA | 2,267,392 | 65,536 |
AS36925 | ASMedi - MEDITELECOM, MA | 2,408,448 | 1,103,806,595,072 |
AS36941 | MTDS-AS - MTDS, MA | 9,216 | 4,294,967,296 |
AS36956 | MT-MPLS - Office National des Postes et Telecommunications ONPT (Maroc Telecom) / IAM, MA | 256 | 0 |
AS37738 | HOSTOWEB, MA | 3,328 | 327,680 |
AS327917 | DGSSI - Direction Generale de la Securite des Systemes d'Information- DGSSI, MA | 256 | 65,536 |
AS327989 | GeniousMorocco - Genious Communications, MA | 2,048 | 0 |
AS328055 | N-PLUS-ONE-AS - NPONE, MA | 1,024 | 1,073,741,824 |
AS328066 | MEDASYS-AS - MEDAFRICA SYSTEMS, MA | 2,048 | 1,879,048,192 |
AS328272 | CRNA1-AS - CIE NATIONALE ROYAL AIR MAROC, MA | 768 | 65,536 |
AS328280 | LNDR1-AS - L'Agence Nationale de Réglementation des Télécommunications (ANRT), MA | 256 | 65,536 |
AS328493 | SADV-AS - Societe d'Amenagement et de Developpement Vert (SADV), MA | 1,024 | 0 |
AS328541 | Direction-Generale-des-Impots - Direction Générale des Impôts - Ministere de l'economie et des finances - MAROC, MA | 512 | 65,536 |
AS328577 | Enterprise-Services - Enterprise Services CDG, MA | 1,024 | 0 |
AS328709 | UM6P-AS - Universite Mohammed VI POLYTECHNIQUE - UM6P, MA | 1,024 | 0 |
AS328867 | CBS-AS - Corebach Backbone SARL, MA | 5,632 | 0 |
AS328960 | MOFA2-AS - Ministry of Foreign Affairs African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, MA | 256 | 0 |
AS329280 | Centre-Royal-de-Teledetection-Spatiale - Centre Royal de Télédétection Spatiale, MA | 256 | 0 |
AS329442 | Morocco-IXP - L'Agence Nationale de Réglementation des Télécommunications (ANRT), MA | 256 | 65,536 |
AS329461 | Maroc-Datacenter-MDC - Maroc Datacenter MDC, MA | 256 | 4,294,967,296 |